Introduction to Business I 💰

Student Benefits With Ron Paul Curriculum (RPC)

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1) Learning good note-taking skills. From my experience, this is a crucial skill and daily activity a student should perform in order to help retain information learned from the lecture and reading assignments. Notes also show that you’ve completed your lesson and they can be used for future reference.

2) The Ron Paul Curriculum is time efficient. Each full lesson generally takes an hour or less. Plus, once you’ve finished, there’s no homework or extra projects. This also helps retain memory: concise lessons are easier to remember.

3) You have a flexible schedule. I learn at my own pace and at times of the day which are most convenient for me. My break times are also flexible.

4) You’ll waste no time on trivial information. The courses are designed to help you learn the fundamental essentials you need to finish high school and enter college (if wished).

5) RPC CLEP cram courses prepare you for CLEP exams efficiently. Just like all RPC courses, the RPC cram courses only give you what you need to know to pass the CLEP exam to receive college credit, to avoid wasting time and money on the course again in college. Cram courses are super-condensed reviews of a traditional full school year course.

Lesson 115, Business I @zbelles